We at Wybe want our products to be enjoyed by everyone - of all shapes and sizes! We love to see our customers embrace their body with pride!


a) We are happy to provide the additional service of amending the width and length (both reduction) of our in-store products. This service is provided free of charge.
b) If you require larger sizes of any existing products at the store or our Website, you can provide your measurements to us and we will be happy to customize the size to fit you! Payment in advance is required and the time period for delivery may vary. The price will be the same as the price of the selected product.
c) You could also order our products in bulk by paying in advance.
d) For more information please contact;
▪ Email :[email protected]
▪ Hotline : +94 777 299 100
▪ WhatsApp : +94 777 299 100

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